Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

Company Mergers

A company merger means the termination of the legal personality of two or more companies by combining their assets and liabilities and the formation of a new company.

Company Acquisitions

A company acquisitions is when a company buys enough shares of another company to control it.

Main Reasons for Mergers and Acquisitions

To Achieve Organic Growth in a Company;

However, in fulfilling these requirements;

It is possible to encounter such constraints.

Overcoming these constraints can be achieved through Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A). Horizontal M&A leads to economies of scale and increased market share, while vertical M&A results in dominance over the production chain and a reduction in production costs.

Functional M&A, on the other hand, allows for the creation of a combined functional strength, risk allocation, and the creation of new and ready-made business areas.

The processes in mergers and acquisitions are as follows;

The meticulous management of the above-mentioned processes is of great importance for the success of the project. Erke Consulting provides professional support to business partners in managing these processes in the most effective way.